DPF Cleaner Shenfield
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DPF Cleaner Shenfield
DPF Cleaning & Restoration

Mobile Diesel Particulate Filter cleaning services around Shenfield

Get a Quote: 0333 366 0023*
DPF Cleaner Shenfield

Professional Mobile DPF Specialists in Shenfield

DPF Cleaner Shenfield is a major service provider of diesel particulate filter (DPF) cleansing solutions in Shenfield. We consistently provide our clients with a quality, yet cost-effecting service.

When you own a diesel powered motor vehicle, you must make sure it is appropriately maintained to guarantee its reliability. Here at DPF Cleaner Shenfield we provide this service for your needs. Our team of expert employees possess the know-how to care for DPF’s on the whole range of vehicles, including vans, cars and trucks under 7.5 tonnes.

DPF fixer will help you in lots of ways: DPF cleaning, DPF diagnostic and naturally aftercare assistance. To ensure your diesel engine car or truck is consistently running at its best, cleaning the Diesel Particulate Filter is a vital process & has to be carried out extensively.

Our experienced employees are well-trained and able to help care for your motor vehicle's DPF, and provide professional services so that your vehicle is back again to its usual condition.

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About Us

DPF-Cleaner Shenfield is actually a local and reputable provider with years of expertise in cleansing DPFs.

Our group of engineers are completely certified. And supplying the very optimum standard of services is exactly what inspires them. Our competent employees are taught to work on all sorts of automobiles, which include vans, cars, and trucks.

We employ state of the art tools and high-strength detergents to dissolve obstructions within DPFs. Be sure to speak to us when you've got any kind of problems because of your engine’s DPF.

Jordan Q 5
DPF Cleaning & Restoration

Just had my DPF cleaned by you. I can’t believe it worked!! I am over the moon in getting my Jag back on the road! Just to hear it red lining again was a great feeling!

River D 5
DPF Cleaning & Restoration

Very happy with the high level of service I received, within 2 hours of phoning they were at the car. The DPF engineer talked me through the process, he was very chatting and easy to talk to

Get in touch now to get a free quote and availability information

Our Services

In order to ensure your diesel vehicle is working at its best, DPF Cleaner Shenfield offers the very best standard of service. Every Essex client will receive a customised service, based upon their exact vehicle as well as it’s DPF condition. Here are some of the expert services we offer:

  • - DPF maintenance
  • - DPF diagnostics
  • - DPF regeneration

Our expert services are reasonably-priced & cost-effective when compared to DPF replacement costs. We attempt to keep our expenditures low to make sure you obtain the best value for your money.

How We Do The Job

At your DPF cleaning scheduled appointment, our Local Shenfield engineer will very first complete a diagnostic check on your car or truck. We very first need to find out that there aren’t any hidden issues that may prevent us right from cleansing the DPF system.

If you discover any issues, we will suggest you on the right option to adopt.

Provided things are well on your vehicle, we will go forward with introducing our high power specialized detergent in your DPF. It will then be left to soak for between 45 and 1 hour 30 minutes to allow the cleaning agent to do its work. Soaking will make certain that the debris causing the blockage would be loosened, permitting us to head out with the heat-based clean. The heat based cleaning process gets rid of all of the cleansing solution and also the loosened debris from the DPF, leaving it ultra clear and as good as new.

Last of all, we will totally reset all those frustrating instrument cluster alert lights, leaving you to drive away completely happy knowing that your automobile would be working correctly.

Our Rates

In terms of rates, we know that it's important to be transparent with our customers. We would like to help you understand the value of our services. However we cannot provide a set price tag, as the charge can differ depending upon the car's condition. One thing that is for sure is actually, that the cleaning process costs much less when compared to the price to replace the DPF. Replacements can vary between £1000 to £4000, once again based on the motor vehicle along with its condition. To clean the DPF will cost you between £250 to £400 in addition to VAT.

For larger commercials, the cost will be bigger, typically in between £550 & £700 plus VAT.

Preferential Costs & Discounts

We can give special deals to a variety of regional Essex clients, such as shipping businesses, cab firms, various other trades, and Blue Light Card Holders. We understand the necessity of maintaining your car or truck working efficiently, and we are here to assist you make that happen.

Right after the Job

Doing a fantastic job of cleansing your current DPF is just the starting point in the terrific solutions we provide.

All of these services normally have an aftercare workforce that calls all of the clients within just 2 days of our visit (not including week-ends) to check how the services was and precisely how the car has been doing.

Answers to Popular Questions

We know that you could have various queries about our services. The following are some of the frequently asked questions and their answers:

It truly does depend on the actual vehicle type and exactly where it is located. Nevertheless, it really is much less than the price to replace your DPF & we can provide a quotation prior to our scheduled visit.

We try to be around you actually in just 2-4 days or far sooner.

The cleaning method can take around 1.45-2.30 hrs, if it is extremely blocked then worst case is 3 hours.

The benefits will be observed if you pay attention to the automobile and take it for very long drives as advised. The technician who attends the clean will advise you about preventative steps.

Exactly Where Could We Work

We can give our DPF cleansing services at the Shenfield location of your preference. All of our technicians need is a decent flat & levelled place such as a driveway, roadside, or perhaps a car parking zone.

However, we normally stay away from carrying out a cleaning service upon an incline or perhaps steep driveway since this could be hazardous for the technician working on your motor vehicle.


Our first step when you give us a call is to inquire a small number of questions to figure out if your DPF can be cleansed or not.

Below are some examples of queries you may be asked:

  • Is your motor vehicle mainly utilized for short journeys?
  • Have you detected a drop in the MPG?
  • Does the vehicle’s start-stop operation right now function?
  • Is your vehicle not performing as good as it previously used to?
  • Have you ever had the vehicle diagnosed by the mechanic right before getting in touch with us, or is it just an alert light on the instrument cluster?

If your vehicle has been diagnosed with some other fault along with a DPF problem, we might choose to not visit.

For example if your motor vehicle does not start off, it has got AdBlue system flaws or has got a heat warning light on we will be in a position to perform the cleaning service.

It is sometimes entirely possible for us to check out your car but not be able to totally reset the alert lights. This is often as a result of other defect codes on your car. If this does indeed occur, we will definitely be in a position to help you with how to proceed very next, in order to solve the problem out.

When the issue is the car pressure sensing unit, for an extra cost, we can easily sort this out for you personally by changing it during our visit. Common defects include EGR faults, DPF pressure sensors, and fuel vaporizers (particularly on Fords, that are more likely to failure). Yet another thing we can assist with is actually cleansing EGR valves in particular sorts of automobiles, if they obviously are only dusty and not defective.

Fuel vaporizers are only replaceable inside a garage therefore this will definitely be recommended.

After we have cleaned out your DPF, our aftercare team is going to call you in just 48 hrs (taking out the weekends) to receive feedback right from you. We will ask you with regard to the services you received and the way your car or truck has been performing since. If you come across any issues in two weeks of our visit, our aftercare team can schedule for the revisit.

Often customers can be unsure whether the DPF could be cleaned out or perhaps if it requires replacing. It's difficult to know until a diagnostic has actually been carried out. Our scheduling team will inquire as much information as they possibly can to help us determine if a replacement unit would be the only effective solution -- or if perhaps DPF cleansing is sensible.


We are here at the end of the telephone to help you with your Diesel automobile, regardless of your enquiry. So please contact us.

Our booking team asks you queries about your problem as well as automobile to determine whether it is a clean you need to they'll recommend another solution. An EM light on your dash panel might indicate that your current DPF needs special attention, but not always. Calling our scheduling team is the ideal bet. They'll ask questions, to assist determine whether your current DPF is actually the issue.

We will only send our Shenfield technician to you personally when we are convinced we are able to cleanse it.

Call: 0333 366 0023
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